Agents Commerciaux

Kintek SpA

N° de réf. 0077256904

Sales Agents Distributors for CNC machines and accessories

location Allemagne, Autriche, France, Pologne, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, Suède, Suisse, Turquie

Italy Kintek SpA


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Kintek is an Italian company, leader in turning and milling toolholders manufacturing, offering a wide range of solutions for CNC machines and accessories. Founded in 1989 in Turin (Italy), Kintek consolidated its international presence thanks to innovation and quality of products, covering any need of machine tooling. In 2022, Kintek know-how and manufacturing capacity expanded through the acquisition of Gait, historic brand from Bologna operating in machine tool market since 1960s. Specifically, Gait range is particularly focused on milling toolholders and accessories. Moreover, in 2024 Kintek acquired Mictu (, a company located in Vas (BL) producing tungsten carbide and PCD tools.

Kintek Group can now count on 4 plants and more than 120 employees and is able to offer to customers a really wide product portfolio: turning toolholders, both static and driven, milling chucks, CNC accessories and tools. Product catalogues are available on our websites (, 

As part of our growth plan, we are looking for multi mandatory agents outside Italy, to further consolidate our international presence.



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