N° de réf. 0077256745

Sales Agents for Air Conditioning


 Inpro d.o.o. Novo mesto






  • Sales of company services in Romania;
  • Mediation with customers who will conclude a contract with the client and mediation in negotiations between the client and third parties;
  • Alerts the customer to opportunities for concluding deals and informs him in real time about all important circumstances on the market and in relation to the subject of this contract, which are known to him or should be known to him;
  • Organization of meetings with the client;
  • Provides the client or a third party with the contacts of the third party or the client.

Other terms of cooperation:

  • The representative uses his own working resources (vehicle, computer, telephone...),
  • The representative uses information programs of the customer, who also takes care of the installation and smooth operation of these programs (including email address).
  • After a successfully concluded sales, the representative also assumes the function of project manager: he finds workers for assembly and buys all the necessary assembly material according to the principle of a good manager. The customer reimburses all costs
  • In the case of installation  of air-conditioning units, the representative has one person at his disposal who helps and advises on the installation of the systems at the customer's place.
  • He has his own registered company from which he issues invoices. 

The company offers:

  • Competitive payment for services rendered;
  • Commission based on concluded, completed and paid transactions in accordance with the commission regulations.


Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. All candidates will be treated in strict confidentiality.



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