Agents Commerciaux

Protector Aluminium

N° de réf. 0077256189

Independent Sales Agents for DIY Hardware

location Allemagne, Royaume-Uni

Australia Protector Aluminium


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Our company is beginning our journey into the European market and looking for commission based sales agents in Germany & UK to sell our products into the DIY hardware retail market and/or wholesale fencing suppliers.  We are a leading aluminium business in Australia & New Zealand with an extensive range of DIY products selling through major hardware retailers in Australia and New Zealand, I invite you to review our website at  to find out more about our product range.  With a wide range of Suppliers around the world, and our own manufacturing plant in Australia, we are well placed to regularly develop new products and we welcome opportunities to supply customised aluminium and polymer products to meet our Customers’ needs.

Our objective is to identify experienced independent sales agents who have established working relationships with DIY or hardware retailers that can introduce our product range to large retailers and service the Customers on an ongoing basis, or alternatively who can service wholesalers in the aluminium fencing market.

We have been established for 25 years and have a strong network of Suppliers with reliable supply lines and strong infrastructure to support you in product training and technical support.  

Please contact me at to discuss this opportunity.  I look forward to speaking to you.

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