Agents Commerciaux

Snow Pearl GmbH

N° de réf. 0077255969

Sales Agents and Distributors for Dental Care

location Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Danemark, Espagne, Fédération de Russie, France, Italie, Luxembourg, Pays-Bas, Portugal, Suisse

Switzerland Snow Pearl GmbH


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We are looking for sales agents and/or distributors to promote a new swiss brand of dental care products. The products are designed for higher end distribution channels in the cosmetics sector, pharmacy, hotels, and travel sectors. The product line consists of a top rated new sonic care brush, a patented new formula toothpaste, whitening foam, brushes, floss and other. There is also a combination of several of the prodcuts into a high end travel kit which can be easily marketed to hotels, and the travel sector. We also would look for online channels to sell and distribute.

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