Agents Commerciaux

Genuine Way SA

N° de réf. 0077256070

Sales Agents for Food & Beverage Fashion Cosmetics

location Allemagne, Pays-Bas

Switzerland Genuine Way SA


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Genuine Way SA is a Swiss service provider specializing in the development of blockchain-integrated tools for brands in the food, fashion, cosmetics & pharma industries.

Our focus is to enable brands to create smartphone connectivity on their products with the goal of certifiying their production. This activity is done through the use of an online blockchain platform (ITEMx) focusing on the following aspects of the manufacturing:

(i) Quality of the materials/ingredients

(ii) Environmental Impact

(iii) Social Impact


We are looking for independent sales agents in the territory of Germany & Netherlands to become part of our EU sales force. The job is to target local brands, in any manufacturing industry, in order to offer our innovative solutions.


- Fluent speaker in both English and the local language

- Previous experience in B2B sales or having a local network of companies



2 month test:

OPTION A - 800 Euro Flat Fee + 10% commission on sales (average sale is 3500 Euro)

OPTION B - No Flat Fee + 35% commission on sales



n.3 online training sessions

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