Agents Commerciaux


N° de réf. 0077256307

Independent Sales Agents for Cosmetic Sector

location Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Fédération de Russie, Finlande, France, Hongrie, Irlande, Lettonie, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, République tchèque, Royaume-Uni, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède, Suisse



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SKIN-IV is an innovative Italian company founded by Korean and Italian entrepreneurs.


We are specialised in high quality disposable Cosmetic Masks Made in Korea for:

Perfumeries, Pharmacies, Beauty Salons, Bioprofumeries, Hairdressers.


SKIN-IV products are the result of continuous dermatological and scientific research, aimed at always offering the best cosmetic products worldwide.

Our products are developed by combining the excellence of Italian creativity with the excellence of Korean manufacturing quality:


ITALY : ➔ Marketing, Design, Research and Development (R&D), Creativity

SOUTH KOREA: ➔ Quality and Production


The active ingredients contained in SKIN-IV masks are among the noblest and most effective tested in cosmetics: hyaluronic acid, collagen, niacinamide, allatonin, adenosine, pullulan, fruit purifying extracts, Korean red ginseng, black sea cucumber (also known as sea ginseng), gold, aloe, shea butter, natural extracts with antioxidant action, panthenol, glutathione, etc...


The SKIN-IV product range provides a complete 'care routine' in which every woman can take care of the skin on her body, starting with the appearance of the most visible and exposed parts: face, eyes, nose, decollètè, hands and feet.


We are looking for Independent Sales Agents working in COSMETICS SPECIALIZED SALES CHANNELS:

- Chains of Perfumeries

- Pharmacies and para-pharmacies

- Beauty clinics

- Beauty Centres


The selection of specialized sales channels guarantees high profit margins for customers and agents.

The brand is ideal for multi-firm agents who are already present in these channels and therefore have an established client portfolio.



- Effective introduction in one or more of the indicated product sectors

- Excellent communication skills

- Determination

- Spirit of initiative

- Relational skills


We offer a wide range of certified and notified products, according to the European regulations CE 1223/2009:


- Eye Contour Masks mono use

- Face Masks mono use (micro-cellulose fabric)

- Lip Mask (hydrogel patch)

- Nose Mask 3step (blackheads solution)

- Neckline Mask (hydrogel patch)

- Cosmetic Gloves for Hands mono use

- Cosmetic Socks for Feet mono use



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