Agents Commerciaux


N° de réf. 0077255940

Sales Agents and Distributors for PostGol Technological Kit

location Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Danemark, Espagne, Fédération de Russie, Finlande, France, Grèce, Irlande, Italie, Luxembourg, Malte, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, République tchèque, Royaume-Uni, Suède, Suisse

Italy PostGol


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PostGol gives the opportunity to every sportsman to realize their dream: watch their game in Full HD and feel like a champion!

The PostGol kit records matches automatically in Full HD, keeps track of physical statistics and allows to create live video highlights for all the players (football, tennis, basket, paddel, etc..).

Sports Centers/Clubs are offered a 30 days Free Trial, at the end of which they decide whether they want to purchase the kit or not. In case they don't, PostGol reimburses part of installation fees.

PostGol is recruiting Sales agents and Distributors to distribute PostGol technological kit to Sports Centers/Clubs of all sports. Salesmen get a flat fee for every kit installed and a percentage of the revenue shares generated from it.

The kit is easily affordable, Plug & Play and offers a great experience for the users. 

Internationally patented in 146 countries.

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