
Serravalle Copper Tubes

N° de réf. 0077255814

Sales Agents Plumbing and ACR Sector

location Bulgarie, Hongrie, Pologne, République tchèque, Slovaquie

Italy Serravalle Copper Tubes


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Serravalle Copper Tubes is an Italian ISO 9001 certified company, leader in the field of copper tubes production, both plumbing and Industrial sector.

 With a view of improving our presence on the international business scene. We are looking for agents for the following countries: Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria.

Our portfolio products are supported by an excellent brand name and a worldwide reputation together with a very good marketing and remarkable head office assistance.

 The position will require the candidates to be agents with proven experience and good connection to distributors and  wholesalers of products for the plumbing and air conditioning area.

 If you meet the above criteria and you are interested in the position, please send by e-mail your English CV, list of the current companies represented and a mention of the country where you are interested in operating.

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