
Geo Italy

N° de réf. 0077256877

Distributors or Agents for Agricultural Machines

location Espagne, Suède, Turquie, Ukraine

Italy Geo Italy


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OMARV is a historical company operating for many years in the production of machines for grass and gerbid maintenance for fields also of vast extension , public green and airports with a solid presence on the European market.


We are looking for ambitious profiles, in a view to increasing sales through a greater and more widespread presence in the territory, who want to contribute to the development of the sales network of a historic brand in a growing sector, through their professionalism, experience and enthusiasm.

Ideal candidates are agents and distributors already working in this sector.

Main activities:

Manage the relationship and negotiation with the customer until the order is signed

Proactively identify potential new opportunities within the industry

Promote company and brand visibility, increasing distribution.

Ensure effective collaboration with headquarters through periodic alignments.



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