Agents Commerciaux

Erbenobili srl

N° de réf. 0077256119

Distributors for Food Supplements

location Belgique, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Bulgarie, Croatie, Danemark, France, Irlande, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, République tchèque, Roumanie, Serbie, Slovaquie, Suède, Suisse, Ukraine

Italy Erbenobili srl


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Erbenobili is a company specialized in the preparation of spagyric food supplements. Our products are prepared in our large laboratory of using fresh herbal plants if possible or dried and other raw materials strictly selected accordance with a procedure that is based from a
perfect combination of modern science with the most ancient herbal traditions while respecting nature and man, and following the natural
rhythms of our macrocosm to which we belong.
The techniques of extraction from our plants for its active principles, although supported by modern and highly professional instruments, always respecting the ancient dictates of Spagyric herbal science and thanks to the particular conditions of light, humidity and temperature that is guaranteed by our greenhouse, the heart of our entire production process of Erbenobili, you get an extraction balanced and harmonic importance of the phytocomplex that characterizes the plant.

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