Agents Commerciaux

United Salon Technologies GmbH | Tondeo

N° de réf. 0077256409

Freelance Sales Representatives for Hairdressing, Salonbusiness

location Belgique, Pays-Bas

Germany United Salon Technologies GmbH | Tondeo


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UNITED SALON TECHNOLOGIES GmbH is a company of the CERTINA Group Munich. With the brands TONDEO and JAGUAR, we are one of the market leaders in the field of high-quality hairdressing scissors. The company employs approx. 190 people in Solingen, Germany. Hairdressing tools and professional styling tools have been produced and sold here since 1928 and are now distributed in over 80 countries.

For our premium brand Tondeo Solingen we are immediately looking for

1 freelance sales representative (m, f, divers, n) in 
field service/direct sales for the area of:

Netherlands: Amsterdam, Rotterdam or The Hague
Belgium: Antwerp, Ghent or Brussels


Job description:

•    Presentation and sale (mediation) of our professional hairdressing tools, especially hairdressing scissors
•    Responsibility for turnover and distribution in your own territory
•    Development of the territory through successful acquisition of new customers or, if available, through expansion of your existing customer base 
•    Introduction of new products
•    Independent and effective route planning with regard to visits to the hairdressing salons

Job specification:

•     Qualified vocational qualification, preferably as a hairdresser
•     Commercial knowledge
•     Solid field service experience, preferably in the hairdressing industry with 
 an existing client base
•     Very good communication and rhetorical skills 
•     High willingness to travel
•     Independent, self-reliant and team-oriented working style
•     Strong customer and service orientation
•     Positive "can do" attitude
•     You have your own car and are mobile

We offer:

•    A leading international company in an exciting and creative niche market
•    Lucrative remuneration through earnings on a commission basis
•    Great creative and organisational freedom in which you can optimally develop all your skills and talents



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