Agents Commerciaux


N° de réf. 0077256062

Commercial Agents and Distributors for Protective Equipement

location Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Danemark, Finlande, Italie, Lituanie, Pays-Bas, République tchèque, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède, Suisse

France Aurak


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Aurak is a french luxury brand in ski protection maket. We created beatiful and hight quality helmets, goggles and sunglasses. Currently we are sell in all beatifull palace, hotel, and shop in France and we would like to develope our brand in international. 

We looking for an agent and distributor who is introduced in the high quality ski market to sell our products.

We would like to have a commercial agent who already has an experience and an existing customer database in the field of ski and/or luxe, and who wants to incorporate our products to its existing product portfolio. He/she would be a sale representative of Aurak with his/her own autonomous characteristics. We will discuss about a sale commission in % will on every order. Opportunities available for bonuses and further development.

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