Agents Commerciaux

GOODWIN Nutrition Srl

N° de réf. 0077256658

Independent Sales Agents for Food Supplements

location Allemagne, Belgique, France, Italie, Luxembourg, Pays-Bas

Belgium GOODWIN Nutrition Srl

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MoringaBoost is a brand of plant-based food supplements, whose common thread is Moringa, also known as "The Tree of Life", used in Ayurvedic medicine for millennia.

From this plant, rich in antioxidants, proteins, vitamins and trace elements, we have developed an exclusive high-performance range of food supplements, mainly aimed at women in the menopause phase, seniors, athletes, overweight people, diabetics, vegans and anyone wishing to strengthen their immune defences.

The launch of the range (and the website) will take place mid-October 2023.

Join the team for an exciting opportunity to develop this fast-growing market !


Target Clients :

● Pharmacies and Parapharmacies

● Drugstores

● Doctors and Therapists

● Nutritionists

● Wellness Centers & Spa's

● Supermarkets

● Sports stores

● Gyms

● Retirement Homes


We offer :

● Attractive commission structure

● Exclusivity in your prospecting area

● Direct business development support

● Dynamic, positive-minded and friendly working atmosphere


Profile and Skills asked :

● Experience in food supplements

● Excellent knowledge of the market in general and in its geographical area

● Proven experience with major retailers and distribution channels

● 3 to 5 years of experience in general sales

● Optimization and development of a customer network

● High standard of ethics

● Good mood and passionate !

● Knowledge of English or French


Mission :

● Visit your portfolio of existing clients according to your established planning

● Prospect potential customers

● Present MoringaBoost products

● Negotiate prices and volumes

● Take and transmit orders

● Weekly reporting of activity

● Provide Customer Service and manage possible conflicts


A promising market niche that receives a good reception in the media

In the highly competitive Food Supplements market, MoringaBoost has an exclusive approach, focusing on this fast-growing market for plant-based products and more particularly on Moringa, which has received an extremely positive feedback in the Media and among health professionals, related to the benefits it brings to Human Health.

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