Agents Commerciaux


N° de réf. 0077256428

Agents Distributors for In House Recruiters, Talent Acquisition and HR

location Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Chypre, Espagne, Fédération de Russie, France, Irlande, Luxembourg, Malte, Pays-Bas, Portugal, Royaume-Uni, Suisse

UK Prevue


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Coensus-hr is seeking quality committed AGENTS, Individuals, or Companies, who want to be a part of this exciting new global business opportunity. No previous experience in recruitment or people development is required.

To be a successful Coensus-hr AGENT you will need

  1. To have some basic computer skills, essential for managing your Client’s on-line Reports and Activities.
  2. Be literate in the English Language, written and spoken
  3. Be willing to learn a new business which is truly easy to comprehend, develop and grow. 

About Prevuehr

Prevue is a Canadian company established in 1994 which offer world class Total Person Assessments (over 10 million sold), developed in the UK and have been reviewed by the British psychological Society. They accurately measure those areas of a person’s character critical when employing or developing people. (Mental Abilities, Motivation and Interests and Personality)

About Coensus-hr

Coensus-hr is a Master Distributor for Prevuehr based in the UK but operating Globally

What is the role of an appointed Coensus-hr AGENT?

  1. To seek out companies who are actively recruiting new staff. Especially those who have a desire to reduce the cost of recruiting plus improve their success with selection and retention.
  2. Promote and sell Prevue Assessments for in-house People Development, Corporate Coaching and Succession Planning.

What will l be selling?

You will sell and support (with our backup) Prevue’s full suite of World Class Assessments.

What income can l earn? (Note: This is an online business where end users pay upon receipt of invoice)

  • A FULL Assessment retails for £132. Your reward for this is £40.
    • Each FULL Assessment produces 8-10 Comprehensive Reports
    • Minimum order value is £500
  •  Unlimited Use Annual License offer the AGENT a 25-30% Gross Profit each year it is used.
  • All the support and consultancy fees you offer are 100% yours to keep

What level of Support can an AGENT expect?

Coensus-hr is committed to remaining a top provider of Assessments therefore be assured our support will be TOTAL, ongoing and will include:

  • On-line training sessions for you and your clients, Start and on going
  • Technical support for you and your USERS


If the above is of interest then why not visit our web sites   

You have nothing to lose but you could have masses of revue to gain.



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