Agents Commerciaux

The Helping Hand Company

N° de réf. 0077256654

Sales Agents Distributors for Street Cleansing & Green Space Maintenance, Litter Collection & Waste Management

location Allemagne, France

UK The Helping Hand Company


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Commercial Sales Agents Wanted for Southern France & Germany

Helping Hand Environmental is looking to appoint sales agents to work across Southern France & Germany to help develop sales of our litter clearance hand tools into principally the municipal street cleansing and green space maintenance sectors.

This new opportunity requires highly motivated professionals who can demonstrate a consultative approach to sales in order to understand end user needs and be able to promote the right tool for the right application and environmental use.

The right candidates must be proficient in the English language both written and spoken as will be required to report into the Helping Hand Environmental export manager in English on all sales  & marketing activities. We are keen to receive applications from candidates already selling into street cleansing  or green space buyers and thus be able to offer to us some immediate knowledge of these markets,

Further details and a full job description may be obtained by emailing or by telephoning our Export department on : + 44 (0) 1531 635678

You might also wish to enquire directly with is us at the CMS Event in Berlin where we will be exhibiting between the 18th-22nd September, Hall 3.2b, stand 224

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