Agents Commerciaux

Bekaert Seals

N° de réf. 0077255867

Sales Agents for Sealing Devices

location Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Luxembourg, Suisse

Belgium Bekaert Seals


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Bekaert Seals is distributor and service company for the US based company MECO seals.

To expand our market in France, Germany, Luxembourg, Austria, Switserland, Itlay, Spain and the south of Belgium, we are currently looking for sales agents.

We are looking for motivated sales professionals that are used to sell to industrial companies. Preferable with knowledge of sealing devices.
However, training is provided and we will be always in touch to give you all needed information and support so you have everything you need to succeed.

The sales agent will search companies active in the following branches to sell our sealing devices: petrochemical, chemical, pharmaceutical, high-end food industry, general high-end industry.

Next to our MECO seals, the sales agent will also have the possibility to sell our private label mechanical seals range and other high-end solutions in sealing devices.

Knowing English as language is a must.

The agent can look forward to interesting commissions.

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