Agents Commerciaux


N° de réf. 0077256332

Independent Sales Agents Distributors for Professional Tools B2B EUROPE

location Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Danemark, Espagne, Finlande, Irlande, Italie, Luxembourg, Malte, Norvège, Suède, Suisse

France Schneider


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Founded in 1934, Schneider is undoubtedly one of the most well-known French brands in the world today, acclaimed for its elegant design and its innovative, high-quality products. It is no surprise then that Schneider has chosen to extend their consumer range to launch a professional range of equipment while keeping their essence of success. Schneider is proud to bring you 3 ranges of Professional Equipment through our exclusive partner Sodise: Power Tools, Wet & Dry Vacuum Cleaner, High Pressure Cleaners. 
We are looking for independent sales agents to prospect and develop the European & African customer portfolio notably in the automobile, agricultural, industrial supplies, or building materials sector.  If you are looking to be part of a great challenge in the initial phase of an important project while adding a new product line into your portfolio, we are interested in meeting you. 
What are your tasks: 

  • Develop and grow the business line in the assigned zone
  • Actively representing products of the business line in assigned zone
  • Prospecting new potential customers
  • Benchmarking the market situation in the region (markets, customers, trends, potentials, threats, competition etc.) 
  • Reporting all activities in a timely and proper manner
  • Participating in both, internal (e.g. sales meetings, trainings) and external (e.g. trade fairs) events 

What is your profile :

  • We’re looking for a local agent in the assigned geographical zone, with several years of experience and contacts mainly in the automobile industry or agricultural industry, industrial supplies or building materials sector would be a plus. 
  • Highly motivated and autonomous, you are confident of your own ability to quickly develop your sales objectives as your remuneration depends on it. 
  • Doted with excellent interpersonal skills, you master the language in the zone assigned to you and have good English skills to communicate with our head office

What We offer:

  • Commission based on results and the customer portfolio that will be developed.
  • Technical and commercial training in our company, to achieve economic, professional, and personal success that you want to achieve.
  • Intensive on-the-job training with expert colleagues guarantees that you will quickly become familiar with your duties and perform them independently.



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